Monday, 27 July 2009

GreatNonStickPansSince1980: How's that for a brand name?

Businesses very often want their brand names to spell out their product/service. While it's not always a bad idea, getting fixated on this style of branding often leads us to very uninteresting names and sometimes even works at cross-purposes with the business.

A case in point is A website whose raison d'ĂȘtre is shortening URLs has a URL that is ELEVEN characters long!

If I shorten the link to this blog using TinyURL, I get If I use, I get That's six characters saved. Now on platforms like Twitter where every character counts, it's not surprising that scores over

On a slightly unrelated note, an NYT blogger cites some more reasons why has found a haven at Twitter.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Good Carma

This Friday, my car stalled. The battery charger warning indicator came on when I started for work in the morning. I thought I would take it to the service station. I was running low on fuel, so I stopped by at a fuel station. After refuelling, the car just refused to start.

The guys at the Shell fuel station went out of their way to help me. They pushed the car to a safe corner at their station and assured me that they would look after the car while I called for help. They even invited me to their office while I awaited the mehanic.

They demonstrated that the best Marketing happens when you are not even marketing. It happens when you're helping your customer.

Thank you Shell.