Thursday, 7 June 2007

Logo, na maaro isey

Logo design has always been a subjective issue. Many lousy logos litter the neons while some good ones never see the light of day.

The recently revealed Olympics 2012 logo, however, has proved one thing--you can design logos with your eyes closed. All you need is some Lego pieces. Arrange a few pieces any way you like and then call a spin doctor who can see great meaning in every piece of trash. S/he will find suckers to dole out the dough. One man's Lego is another man's logo.

Talking about spin-doctoring, Wolff Olins--the agency that designed the logo--had this to offer by way of explanation on its website:

Neither an appendage to London nor the Olympic symbol, it brings the two together in an inclusive way. It is a brand which can be read and understood by people of all ages, around the

...Echoing London's quality of a modern, diverse and vibrant
city, the London 2012 emblem is unconventionally bold, deliberately spirited and unexpectedly dissonant.

The agency has now removed most of the logo-related content from its website.

Amit Varma of India Uncut has his hilarious-as-usual take on the logo here (parental guidance recommended). Seth Godin calls it a jaggy picture. The jaggy picture punched a hole in Olympic Committee's deep pockets and £400,000 fell through. Loose change!

Those of you who're still wondering why the jagged pieces are arranged the way they are, see if you can find 2 0 1 2 in the logo. Go read up some de Bono.

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